‘Vine’ – What is it and How Should I Use it?

Duly noted as the Instagram for video, ‘Vine’ is making it’s way up social media ladder as a “must-have” app.  The app is used to create shorts of 6-second video bites to share via Twitter and other social sites.

Many skeptics do not believe that the ‘Vine’ sensation will be more than a short stent of success before it fizzles out (like most social platforms.) On the other hand, April 9, 2013 it hit Apple’s number one spot among free apps in the Apple App Store.


Subsequently, news outlets and marketing specialists have taken to the ‘Vine’ shorts to share ‘on-the-go’ news or promotional teasers.

Why do these videos work? Because they are SHORT! Consumers on social sites are less likely to watch your full-length video if they are not already brand loyal – but they can spare 6 seconds.

Watch how it’s been used thus far:

News: https://vine.co/v/bvPKu7egDJr

Dove Ad: http://vine.co/v/b52z6ljw1F1

It’s only a matter of time before video producers take a notice and take the ‘Vine’ challenge. Do you see this app staying relevant?

Tips on using Vine successfully:

1. Make your audience laugh, or at least crack a smile.

2. Appeal to new customers and old with a variety of footage.

3. Use Vine for up-to-the-minute news clips

4. Use as teasers for your full-length video

3 thoughts on “‘Vine’ – What is it and How Should I Use it?

  1. Pingback: I Discovered Vine. The Birth of #JulieMcTarot | Tea and Type

  2. Pingback: ‘Vine’ – What is it and How Should I Use it? | The Digital Design Digest

  3. Pingback: Tips on How To Use Vine for Marketing | Finer Lifestyle Magazine

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